From a modest 30 moustaches in 2003 to a present reign of 5 million, ‘Movember’ seeks to address some of the largest health issues faced by men including testicular and prostate cancer along with mental health and suicide prevention. Grow a Mo and save a Bro this November by growing and grooming your moustache for a total of 30 days whilst being sponsored by friends or peers to raise funds for men’s health. Ladies don’t fret, you can too do your part by taking on the fitness initiative, being active in more ways than one and joining the ‘Move challenge’ to raise funds for the cause.
Join the wave this month and become one of the 312,366 ‘Mo Bros’ & ‘Mo Sistas’ currently aiding the growth of more than just facial hair by contributing to the funding of over 1,200 independent global men’s health projects reducing premature death in men by 25% by 2030.
Sign up here today to become apart of the ‘Mo-vement’: