25 Feb It’s as simple as fresh air
Lift your cheeks off the couch and get those feet out the door. A simple walk or run outdoors is so important for your well-being. There are the obvious benefits for your overall health, but it goes much further than that. A good walk can lift your spirits. If you’re feeling down at all, push yourself to get outside and walk it off. Walks are the best way to clear your mind and really think things out with no interruptions. Take a new route each time and get yourself lost. You never know what you will stumble across and the new surroundings will make it exciting.
On a similar note, another practice that can reduce stress and increase happiness is sweeping. That’s right…sweeping. Sweeping is actually an established form of practice in Buddhism. Mindful sweeping can help to cultivate mindfulness. A good, concentrated sweep can be really great for the mind and the spirit.
It’s a new year so push yourself to get out there!