19 May Hush 15th Anniversary
January 2015 marks our 15th anniversary in business. It’s amazing how time flies…..
In 2001 my first son was 5 and my second son was 2. I was on a one year sabbatical with my then husband and two sons. We had decided to throw in our corporate jobs and spend a year enjoying our boys and living in Europe.
“Giving your mind and body a break allows you the time to create opportunities “
It has been a journey full of laughs, cries, stress and hard work and most importantly perseverance.
The name HUSH was the name of a restaurant I was dining at in London when Debbie Coffey called me to discuss us going into business together. I said to her, if we can call the business HUSH, I’ll do it.
Our humble beginnings in a tiny space in Surry Hills, where our desks were face-to-face is were HUSH was born. We were ying and yang from the beginning. The balance was perfect.
Our very first client was Esprit, I remember when we signed this first contract, how enthusiastic and happy we were. Within no time we out grew our humble space and moved to a new office in Paddington.
It wasn’t all easy. I often think being a business owner is the best therapy you could ever have. It’s definitely a great way to learn your weaknesses, face your fears, overcome your imaginary obstacles, and test yourself to the farthest limits. ?
From the start we were determined to have a business that people wanted to work in and one that each day we looked forward to be working in ourselves. This is not an easy goal, considering the highs and lows of business, finding staff that work well together, keeping clients happy and seeing growth within your business.
We have watched young staff members growing into PR power houses in New York City, become script writers in LA, going back to university to gain a PHD.
We’ve been to so many staff weddings, seen at least 6 HUSH babies born.
We have been a charitable company raising money for NBOCC, The Woman’s Hospital Randwick, The West Mead Children’s Hospital to name a few.
15 Things I’ve Learned In The Last 15 Years
- Perfection does not exist. Only Perception.
- There is no ONE right way to do anything.
- Nobody is going to do this for me. It’s up to me, and me alone.
- Stress does not fix things, so don’t bother with it
- Finish it. Whatever it is, finish what you started.
- I’m the only one judging me. Nobody else really cares
- My biggest business fears… are kinda silly.
- We’re all somewhere. There will always be people ahead of you & behind you.
- Take breaks when you need them.
- The people around you are vital to your success
- Give back, every chance you get.
- Be kind as it creates a nicer working environment
- Listen and listen more
- Be loyal to your suppliers and you create an extended team around your business.
- And above all… take time to LOVE, LAUGH and LIVE.
I worked *hard* throughout the 15 years, questioned if i was being around for my kids enough, challenged with being tired and constantly having guilt as there was not time to visit my parents, spend time with friends and have the holidays that i needed.
WOULD i do it again, YES, as it is the road that has led me to who i am today to get where I am today. But it was all worth it. I have absolutely no regrets. I look back on where I was, how far I’ve come, and what all I have accomplished… and I’m incredibly proud of myself. I pushed through obstacles I wouldn’t wish on anyone, and I never gave up.
And that feels GOOD! Happy Birthday to HUSH