Despite America and the rest of the world planning to go into hibernation for the next four years, let us remember to look for a silver lining. No matter how frustrating or chaotic a situation may seem to be, it’s only ever as bad as we imagine it.
Here are seven positive reminders for you to take out of today and every tomorrow.
You’re alive. Take minute to be grateful of the fact that you woke up this morning. Whilst you take your first breath someone is having his or her last.
The bad times make room for the good times. Remember that bad times do not last forever; in fact they are what leads us to the good!
You have people who love and appreciate you.
Every problem has a solution. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems, just take things one step at a time.
It is normal to not be perfect. No one is perfect, in tens year’s time you will laugh at your mistakes and realise that they have made you the person that you are today.
You are far more capable then you realise. If you believe in yourself anything is possible.
The past is in the past. No matter how much we wish we could go back to a particular moment or to simply fix our past mistakes, we can’t. Don’t dwell on what could have been and embrace what could be.